Liar liar pants on fire:
A history of the flamethrower
By: Ben doverson
(Pengwings books, ¥420.69 Kindle edition)
A soldier stands ready for combat, poised with rifles raised. A wave of flame and molten gasoline chars his flesh. His squad mates are shook to the core. The great war saw many leaps of technology and chemistry, but science is a hammer, used to build or destroy. The flamethrower was built to destroy not only one’s enemy, but also one's psyche. Flame troopers were never POWs. They were executed immediately upon capture. This is the evolution, development and suggestions to try to better utilize a tool once used for destruction.
Liar Liar Pants On Fire is a one of a kind book. The real life stories will astonish you while making you want to but a flame thrower of your own. This book teacher everything about the flamethrower from the history and development of it, to the uses in war, and even how it can be used in modern times outside of the battle field. Ben is a farmer currently working in rural Florida and farming for a living. Throughout this book he describes his uses of the flame thrower for farming and irrigation and how it is a necessity for more productive work
Many people don't think that a WWI era weapon can be used as a tool for peace and prosperity, but think again. In this book I will be outlining the many constructive uses of the flamethrower. From fighting wildfires to killing weeds to save the food crops. Flamethrowers are here to stay!
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