Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thoughts & Reflections on: Utopia

Citation of image: Columbia the Floating City
Thoughts and Reflections on: Utopia

Thomas More wrote Utopia as a sort of simulation on what a perfect society would look like, and as a juxtaposition on what the current society looks like. Whats interesting about this book is that it truly is timeless. It can always be used as a method of checking our current society to what a perfect society would look like. Utopia is also significant because many of More's ideas are used in other political philosophies. In Marx's communist philosophy it also contains the idea of no private property. More also stresses the need for democracy because if a King has only a select few advisors they will only agree with the King's beliefs, therefore progress might be stalled if there is no new policies that are progressive and encourage change. He also states that the citizens of Utopia are not greedy and as such there is very little crime and no poverty. However perfect Utopia may seem to be human nature may not allow the philosophical ideas of this city to work as humans are naturally greedy and are always prone to war. More even references this issue with the name of the city its self. Utopia comes from the Greek word Eutotopia meaning good place and Outopia meaning no place.        

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