Friday, September 30, 2016

Technology & Nationalism Presentation With Luke

ATechnological Innovation
Onward & Upward:

Technological innovation making the world flat as in “hot flat and crowded”

This photo is helping show the point of “flat” in the reading of Hot, Flat, and Crowded by having a ton of people all with the same pieces of modern technology. What flat is meaning is that everybody is caught up on modern technology and the world is technologically flat because of this wide spread amount. This is a bad thing because it raises the demand for our resources that we need. But this is also a good thing because it helps create a unity for communication all over the world that helps anyone from anywhere communicate

The technological innovation of nuclear weapons is changing the world. Countries are learning how to make this weapon and this is a bad thing because it makes every country more dangerous and makes the possibility of a nuclear war increase. This rize in weapons also creates an arms race to see who has better weapons and technology to give them more power.

One major technological innovation was the transformation from the phonograph to the phonautograph. The phonautograph was the first invention ever to record sound. This was revolutionary but it couldn't play the sound back. After this the phonograph was created and was able to play back the sound that it recorded unlike the phonautograph.

Onward & Upward:
When nationalism becomes a driving force state violence follows. i.e Hitler, Stalin, China, North Korea.
The rise of the modern world saw many things happen, when city states became countries the rise of nationalism started to rise. Nationalism is defined as: patriotic feelings, or extreme patriotic feelings. When nationalism rises in a country state violence usually follows, this can be seen in WWII germany with the rise of Hitler, his nationalism caused an attempted world takeover. In China and Russia it lead to labor camps and state censorship. In North Korea it lead to deity-like dictators left over from the colonisation of Japan, and with their nationalism came a rouge nuclear entity.    
It can be seen today, because the only way Trump is so popular is because he is a nationalist 2016-02-27-1456595899-9124929-TrumpHitler-thumb.jpg
As with hitler one of the ways Donald Trump became so popular is because he is a nationalist. His campaign slogan is “make america great again.” which is nationalistic in nature. He also is so popular because he wants to try to make america more whitewashed, by sending away immigrants, refugees, and closing the borders off from our mexican neighbors. His racist comments also show a sense of nationalism because he doesn’t want to include everyone.  

Nationalism is also a great contributor to the conflict in WWI
The main reason why WWI was so deadly is because it was started by each country being too prideful, and having too many alliances, immediately sucking in each country attempting to fight for the honor and pride of his or her country. These nationalistic alliances would also cause many deaths in the war to come.  

Hot, Flat & Crowded:

Nationalism is somewhat declining with the rise of globalization
With the rise of globalisation, the flattening of the earth has made nationalism somewhat less important because you can connect with anybody anywhere and have instant communication regardless of what country you are in. With the rise of technology everyone is better able to be connected to everyone else making what country you are in pretty irrelevant.  

Cite:Crotty, James Marshall. Trump & Hitler. Digital image. Huffington Post. Huffington Post, 27 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. <>.Global Citizen Festival Poster. Digital image. Kontrol Magazine. Kontrol Magazine, 27 Sept. 2016. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.

WWI allies map. Digital image. Pinterest. Pinterest, n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

T&R: Origins of the Modern World

Thoughts and Reflections on: Origins of the Modern World

The author in this article is discussing the different views on how the modern world came to be. First he starts with the Eurocentric view of how the modern world came to be. The Europeans thought pre-french and american revolutions that the reason they were able to progress the world so much was because they were more culturally sophisticated and that they were the "chosen people" so to speak. They went and conquered many other places which lead to the Spanish conquistadors spreading absolutely devastating diseases to south america and eventually wiped out ninety percent of the population. They did this because they believed they were more culturally advanced. When the enlightenment happened their view switched, they believed that it was because of their ancient Greek origins and the fact that that they had democracy and others didn't.  They thought that they were inherently special and different from everybody else and that's why the world is the way it is today. However the author also discusses that the non-eurocentric version of this story takes place in chin a and parts of India where the agriculture made population and rare spices expensive for the Europeans. This in turned caused Christopher Columbus to try to seek out a new way to get to India when he accidentally discovered america. After that the slave trade started to become a major trade commodity. Another piece of the puzzle with industrialization lies in random coal deposits. Places like Britain were sitting on large amounts of coal, while China's coal deposits were unavailable to them. This is when china failed to keep up with the world and eventually fell behind, what once was an economic power-house was now left behind. However once China started becoming an industrialized nation they are now back as an economic power-house. Where the stories differ is the amount of abuse and exploitation by the Europeans against other countries who were not able to keep up with the industrialization. Most of the native american population was killed because of Europe's attempt to make it to India. 

Here is a picture of Christopher Columbus "discovering" America.
Christopher Columbus Discovering America. Digital image. Florida Museum of Natural History. Florida Museum of Natural History, 7 July 1991. Web. 14 Sept. 2016. <>. 

T&R: Hot Flat & Crowded

Thoughts and Reflections - Hot Flat & Crowded

     This article starts out with the author defining a new term: E.C.E, or energy climate era. The author argues that we are no longer in any "post-era" i.e Cold War but we are actually entering a new world-wide revolution similar to that of the industrial or enlightenment era. He states that we are on a collision course with damaging the earth's biosphere permanently and completely. The fact is we need a green revolution to start slowing down the inevitable climate destruction. Ever since the industrial revolution we have used "fuels from hell." which are fuels that come from below ground and cannot be replenished. The use of these fuels has caused massive CO2 levels and green house gases. These things are trapped in the atmosphere and are going to stay that way for hundreds of years. This on top of the massively growing population means that are earth is getting hot and crowded. The author argues that we need to think of ourselves in the new energy climate era so that we are able to start damage control before biblical sized droughts and floods start occurring. When the world gets hot it means we destroyed the climate. When the author says flat he is referring to how the Internet made it possible for many individuals to connect over extremely long distances instantaneously. He is also referring to the fact that more and more people are now rising into the middle class, and the super-duper billionaires are starting to drop down as well. The Internet also added the ability for everybody to compete in the global economy i.e ebay to self publishing/self producing. My favorite music genre synthwave is produced entirely on computers, and released onto on line platforms only. A good example of this is the band GUNSHIP. However there are several issues with the world the today, first being energy poverty. This is where we are phisically unable to provide enough energy for the people. The author gave an example of a restaurant in Johannesburg where there are blackouts due to lack of energy. This makes people unable to connect to the Internet,and therefor unable to compete in a new global economy. Another issue identified within the article is that the massive climate change plus pollution has lead to massive biodiversity loss, one example in the article is the recently extinct yangze river dolphin. Also we are coming to the end of our earths natural resources, causing a huge backup on supply and demand causing the delay, and over building of massive shipping boats. The markets cannot keep up. Another major issue is "petrodictatoships." the example given is when dictators rise to power and automatically control massive wealth due to oil reserves, like when Putin cut off the oil supply from Ukraine. The author believes that the world is truly on a downward spiral and there is only damage control. He says that we are frogs in a slowly boiling pot, if we do not band together, we will all be boiled alive.

This video is a song by GUNSHIP, a band that is utilizing the Internet in a way the article was talking about. Without the Internet new, and innovative indie artists would not be able to compete with the pop music industry. 

Tech Noir. Prod. GUNSHIP. Perf. GUNSHIP. YouTube. Topic, 25 July 2015. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. <>. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

T&R: Globlization

                         Thoughts and Reflections:  Globalization - A Very Short Introduction   

     Globalization is when technology and communication expand so rapidly that people become less a part of an individual culture and become part of the global culture. The definitions in the reading show that there is two main things happening, there is a huge loss of "time and space" meaning information can be spread instantaneously and culture is almost lost. It also shows the opposite of globalization where the backlash and return to the "old ways" is seen, however they are also contradictory as globalization is the way the terrorist groups are able to stay so equipped with weapons as well as the Bin-Laden and ISIS tapes. Globalization has to take place over many centuries because globalization happens in uneven ways, like economic and religeous ways. However technology also has a major role to play in globalization. The more technology the faster people become connected.OutsourcingFtrdImg


Globalization. Digital image. CoTraining. CoTraning. Web. 1 September 2014.